veggie toddler - a young child learning how to walk and eat vegetables, not necessarily a wobbly vegetarian.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Playground Snack of the Day

Snack time is an untapped opportunity to put real nutrition into young kids’ growing bodies. Some kids will pick at the food on their meal time plate but munch on snacks all day long. I’m not one for cutting out snacks. So then why not bring the nutritious food out as a snack if that’s when your kid is hungry?

What’s a nutritious snack? Snacks don’t have to be pre-packaged. Just pick a food that you might serve for a meal and present it as a snack. Steamed vegetables, raw vegetables, fruit and nuts make excellent snacks.

I call it the Playground Snack because it is a food item offered after the child has been running around working up an appetite. Now is the time to offer nutritious food – when your child needs it. Don’t wait until dinner when your child is tired and her attention span is diminishing. Offer real food throughout the day when your child turns to you and asks for a snack. Bring real food out of the kitchen and onto the playground for nutritious snacking.

Check out my Guest Blog at the W.H.O.L.E. Gang (Whole, Healthy, Organic Living Everyday)
for Steamed Sweet Potato Snack
Steamed Sweet Potato Snack

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very impressive,sure wish there was something like this when my children were toddlers.I know my 32 year old still has a difficult time eating his veggies.
Janet P